Gorgeous as always. The river imagery. Moon. Mountains. Teens in a sacred place. Cellphones under the table. All the details! And "What’s mostly left of the family gathers, joyously."

Your sentences project has inspired my own! I started near the end of June, and am almost one week in. Opening to the mystery of the adventure. So satisfying. Thank you for inspiring.

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I love it. Good luck with the practice!

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I have enjoyed your tenure as poet laureate. I was worried it would soften your political edge(s), but you have remained true and sincere, and thanks for that. Also, as a teacher myself, this--"The old saw some teachers use about “learning from their students” is proved true in a library full of sullen and unrepentant representatives of such slouching through a presentation just to acquire their renewal credits"--made me laugh. Truth, again.

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I always look forward to reading these. Thank you for continuing to write and share them.

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Anna! Miigwech! 💚

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There is such emotion in the slowness of choosing one moment a day to write about in the confines of one sentence. I learned this practice from your stories - thank you.

This, priceless - If I’d known my feet would be documented walking through sage I’d have worn cooler shoes.

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I had my gross "I'm going to the gym next" shoes on! 😂

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"deep, nearly angry satisfaction"--ah yes. And "genocide light" WTF? Happy travels, Chris.

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Sounds like there were a few hard days this past month. Sending you a cool breeze, blue skies and moving water to ease the pain!

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I appreciate that!

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I so look forward to reading these. And happily, this has been in my head now for two days, and I love it: "I want to live tucked up under the shadows cast by the Backbone of the World." Yes. 💜

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If it’s any consolation, I don’t know if there are shoes cool enough to wear while being documented walking through sage, but very few people are cool enough to be documented walking through sage, so there you are.

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A pleasure to read your sentences, Chris.

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Michele, miigwech!

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Jul 3Edited

Amending your 6/10/24;

“An overtly privileged white lady who has unexpectedly crashed dinner…”, throw her and her comments out with the dirty dish water.

06/12/24 ; Cherish the joy. Happy for you.

06/24/24; Wake boats , the disastrous newer edition of the motor boat, shoreline eroding,bottom churning, aquatic species destroying, invasive species spreading, peace destroying , but oh so fun.

07/02/24; I apologize, but since I can’t think much about anything else, please make an exception for adding July.

Pertaining to the 1908 book The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame;

After hearing the verdict of the Supreme Court , I will be moving underground with Mr. Badger who has graciously offered a spare wing for my family and friends .

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Mr. Badger knows!

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2024_0627: An early and heavy sudden rain doesn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the western wood pewee to whistle in the morning.

Thank you so much for your words about the wild river moving in our bodies. All the best to you!

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All the best to you too!

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"Given their horrific politics, I’m pretty sure Texas still doesn’t get it…"

I was in Texas recently, and I'm pretty sure I didn’t get Texas.

Maybe Texas is a circular reference? If you're from Texas, you get Texas — but you may not get anything else? They still want to be their own Republic. A place can get really wonky when settler invaders kick out ALL the Indigenous folks. Land Back! 🪶

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Land Back!

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Perhaps my favorite month of sentences yet. It's special to see them grouped together like this, and chronologically - it really is a nod to the shifting, seasonal, sometimes elusive and rarely linear nature of our connection to whatever writing...is. "The world picks and pulls to disconnect me from existential connections renewed over the final days of this month, and I fight back with stillness."

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I appreciate it, and you, Anna. 💚

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Hi Chris! Question about your process if you don't mind sharing: do you do any editing of your sentences before posting them?

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I don’t! But I’ll manipulate them as necessary if I decide to turn them into poems, something I’ve not done for quite some time.

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Feeling so fortunate to find you and your writing and dion your book. What a blessing your sentences which are worlds each one the infinite universe passing through.

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