Inspired by your one-sentence practice and by 19th-century journals, I've begun adding a brief comment - on the weather, if nothing else - as I track my daily miles walked.


-- A thin high overcast caught and reflected the first moments of sunrise, briefly filling the world with a golden haze.

-- Storms went through overnight, leaving puddles and broken clouds, and the world with its face fresh-washed.

-- Got out of the house an hour later than planned, after a night of broken sleep and odd dreams; now for breakfast, and to see what I can make of the day.

-- There's nothing quite like louring clouds to amend one's pace, is there?

Wishing you a peaceful weekend, and as much thought and pleasure as your words have given me.

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I love all of this.

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Congratulations to your son! I’m not much for marriage but I understand some people love it. I wish him and his spouse good health and joy and enduring love ❤️

There is a car dealership on my way to work, in the middle of cornfields, that always has one sentence on it, so I will share their current sentence since I don’t have one.

“What if nobody was president and we all just promised real hard to just be cool?” in worn old sign letters and jerryrigged numbers-as-letters.

Still my favorite one they’ve had up was, “Surely not EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting.”

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That last one is great.

There was a church that used to have some gems. May favorite? "Don't wait to come in a box" and one can't help but, 🧐😬

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“Working from a covered porch during an overdue rainstorm isn’t a bad gig if you can get it.” - the best gig ever I’d say specially with a cup of tea 💜 also congratulations on your son’s wedding.

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"Son's beautiful wedding"?! Everything happening at once -- congratulations! 🧡😀 And I hope today's event in Lewistown is everything it's promising to be.

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Everything at once, exactly.

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These are very good, and as I too sometimes hear "the echoes of tiny paws, running", I especially thank you for that phrase.

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Many congratulations to you and your son on his wedding!!! What a beautiful moment in life. ❤️

These were my favorite:

“Funny the difference it would have made in my demeanor if the middle-aged white dude checking me out at the Costcos had instead asked what birds I get at my feeders while scanning my bird seed purchase instead of the unsolicited advice concerning who to keep away from it, which elicited only my best effort at flat-eyed, flat-mouthed emoji face.”

“Sleepless, I stand guard at a doorway to protect the resting state of my struggling heart.”

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8.30. Two sandhill cranes saunter through the field by the garden like they own the place, and I nod to myself, thinking "as it should be."

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As it should be indeed!

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Amazing as always. This might be my fav. “Even at peak jerk, it’s hard for me to imagine this little male hummingbird as being someone truly mean and bullying but, instead, maybe just a little rascal who needs an auntie-who-has-had-enough to come along and give his ear a good yanking.” Thank you for all of this. Congrats on the wedding of your son.

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Reading the Sheriff’s Log was always the voyeuristic highlight of our tiny newspaper and this is that times a million. Deep and beautiful observations.

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Thank you. Crime logs are often a delight.

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who needs an auntie-who-has-had-enough to come along and give his ear a good yanking. so much soul longing for this

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Touched to tears, the loud, bad music at the gym where I work fades in my head as I read and reflect on the beauty of a father's unfettered joy.

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Perfect. Miigwech!

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August 16: Remember the days when mom was making a chocolate cake and she let you lick the beaters from the electric mixer? A good mom lets you lick the beaters... a great mom turns them off first.

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Maybe my favorite month of sentences ever. "Sleepless, I stand guard at a doorway to protect the resting state of my struggling heart." for one. And sneaky sneaking in your sonʻs wedding! Hoʻomaikaʻi, congratulations!

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What a month of wonderfulness, joy, Chris. So happy for your special moments…

As always, I love your hummingbird news, as I thought exactly what you did when the wasps showed up at our feeder…as well as when our ginger feline sulked by me after a jay bomb dived his head for some precious grievance near its nest. You read human nature so well that I become instantly aware of everyone around me after I read your sentences and start observing, writing.

You are always teaching me…thank you.

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Thank you, Melissa.

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Thank you for these. They're beautiful and definitely make me want to tune in to the daily grist and find the beauty

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Miigwech for reading!

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Miigwech! I look forward to hearing you at the Flathead River Writer's Conference.

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Here for the duck butts 🫶🏽 congratulations to your beautiful son and whole family ✨

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