'Social hangover dragging my steps like a parachute behind me' My favorite sentence this month. It's hard being an introvert in an extrovert world!

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SO hard. 😂

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So cool, you poetryer! Great sentences this month and I really enjoyed the highlight at the end with Bronwen! It's so fantastic you get to reach the young folks out there and bring them the joy of poetry. I'm feeling so glad after reading this post! I've been one-sentence journaling lately on the regular and really enjoying the results. I find when I read my one-sentence stuff later, it is hands down way more interesting than the prose I used to journal. 😂

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It's really my favorite writing thing to do, I think. I started storing them in a five year journal last year and I've lapped myself, so I can see what was happening last year too. I really love it.

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What a sweet photo of you and Bronwen! Thank you for your sentences. It's been a tough week at our house and I definitely needed your beautiful words.

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I'm sorry for your tough week. I love the photo with Bronwen too. She's lovely.

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I suppose in truth we are all “irritable Métis”??? I do appreciate your perspective on it though. 😉🤪

Keep walking in beauty as best you can.

Mitákuye oyàsin,


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Chris- First, as a follower, I am disappointed I didn't know you would be in Cincinnati. Even more so for the fact that you didn't try Skyline chili. Had I known you would be here, I could have been of some assistance in encouraging you to get you through that missed opportunity. It's a taste worth acquiring. And, despite being a quite German city, we actually have a Greek family to thank for it...

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I didn't do anything public in Cincinnati, so you didn't miss anything, but I appreciate the sentiment.

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The book looks great! And I didn't try the chili either, when I was there many years ago. "Best Poetryer Ever" may be a better title than Laureate... what do you say?

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I totally agree.

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"An occasion to confidently agree to share knowledge I haven’t yet earned." Oh yes. Oh no. I just agreed to one. But I DO have a rain jacket behind the seat. Not enough to save me, but maybe it will get me from here to there. Thanks, Chris.

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Sometimes just getting from here to there is all we really need, isn't it?

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I have missed your musings. I also have almost 30 unpublished posts. A shower of inspiration, but not a lot of rooting of ideas. Thanks for what you are doing to inspire the youth.

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A shower of inspiration indeed.

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If this is the only sentence I write today, it will be enough because I write it to express my gratitude and comfort in having the privilege to read the words of my favorite poetryer, Chris La Tray!

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That's so kind of you. Miigwech!

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Sang your praises in my Truth & Dare substack today. Glad for your forthcoming book, for your sharp one-sentences and for your work in the world. Rooting for you from Portland.

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FYI, a reading at Powell's in September/October is in the works. And I have your newsletter in my inbox, I just haven't gotten to it yet!

(I've been out of town)

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YES! Let me know how Portland unfolds - we'd love to have you come for supper (or find a good one in the city). Will also spread the word and bring a good crew. Let me know how I can support your efforts in Portland.

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Once I know you'll be the next to know! We'll makes something awesome happen.

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A reading at Powell's! My favorite haunt as a kid growing up in Portland. How fantastic!

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Spoke with someone yesterday who has such a crush on you, it helps me feel like less of a stalker 😂 As always, your sentences come at a time I need them most and I'm so grateful. Thank you. And you've summed it up perfectly here: "Leave it to the Montanans to ignore the address and proceed instead to the wrong location for the invitation-only breakfast."

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Crushes! Stalkers! I'm living the dream. 😂

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Thank you, thank you, thank you and yes, three cheers for Bronwen (and all the other Bronwens we've yet to meet).

Such a gift to receive these lines.

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Miigwech, Chris. Bronwen is beautiful, and so are you ;-)

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Thank you so much, Joni.

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Thank you for the gift of your daily single sentences. I smiled right out loud at, "The best of us keep a rain jacket behind the driver’s seat in the event of, rain or shine, a hike breaking out." Yes.

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You have to be ready for anything in this world, Tammy, and umbrellas confound me.

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You are one hell of a poetryer and it is so cool to see Bronwen after what you shared last month. I swear reading these monthly sentences slows my pulse and sharpens my senses (and probably clears skin, cures depression, soothes IBS, etc., though I'm sure I can't prove any of that to the FDA).

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So much to comment on. First, always, Yay, Bronwen!! I can't wait to hear more from her- I get a feeling we're all going to get a lot of good work from her in the future. I just hope the world's ready for it. Second, I am NOT a fan of Cincinnati chili (though I love the town itself). I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. And then... social hangover. Ugh. Yes. As always, great read. Thanks for being.

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