Thank you! When my highly (colonized) education helps me make more than minimum wage I will become a paid member. Haha. I love your writing! And often your words feel like they came from my mouth. How many of us must feel this way. I feel violated andn a tad fearful for the world after corporate (or government) interactions. Had to share "for how many generations has choosing to be "close'mouthed" merely been a tactic to refrain from roaring.?" As a young Native in America, roaring sent me to jail and close-mouthed to addiction. Trying to find a happy medium in the ups and downs of it all.

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Hang in there, Lita.

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Always hanging - sometimes by the skin of my teeth, sometimes on a golden rope. Wouldn't have it any other way! Hope you are well!

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"For all the daily bullshit, there is plenty evidence of decent people in the world almost everywhere you look." This is a part of the gift of life that we must not forget. Plus... With your monthly sentences, I always find one good laugh: "...white people peeing in a hot spring..." sent me all the way back to childhood, when I could always tell who was peeing in the pool by the thousand-yard-stare, with the eyes slightly rolled back in their sockets.

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“2024_0408: The one-two punch of celestial magnificence and a toe dipped in deep time assures me that, while we humans have most certainly doomed ourselves far earlier than we should have, and we are taking too many beloved relatives with us, the world is nonetheless going to be just fine. “

May I touch and live from this place :)

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Thank you for these sentences, Chris. Right after reading them I took my morning meander, and ended up sitting on a riverbank where a clack of starlings had, apparently, convened a meeting just upstream from me. Re corporate entities: “ . . . I am grateful, for my own sake, that I’ve created a living where such encounters are rare.” Oh Yes! Me too. Ginormous or not, that BS would be my undoing.

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Your meander sounds lovely.

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Did you make it out of Bozeman unscathed? Or should we send lawyers, guns, and money?

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Bozeman can't stop me.

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A pleasure, once again. Thank you for sharing this practice. I ‘assigned’ it to my student teachers as non-graded, non-evaluated, just-write-it kind of thing that, after reading the first installment from a teacher stoked to share a preview, affirms this decision and prompts me to thank you, again! I’m writing with them, which is fun. We’ll end the term with a pot luck and sentence readings under trees, after which they’ll graduate and head out into schools to do the Good Work.

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I love the idea of them heading out to the schools to the Good Work. You are doing it too, Nigel! ✊🏽

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Inspiring, as usual. I was excited to read my birthday sentence! :)

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Which day was your birthday?

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Happy birthday indeed! I hope it was a good one. 🎂

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Happy belated birthday!

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(whisper) I'm so glad I'm not the only one who likes starlings (unwhisper). I know there are problems but so many cool things about them. Also I loved this sentence "2024_0425: Four medicines in a trembling bag and my heart nearly bursts." Thanks for explaining that in a previous post! I'm so grateful to be able to read your work. It's a little like those birds splashing in a puddle - refreshing, selfless, and full of all the feelings.

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Thank you, Jenny.

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I added a new word to my vocabulary - petrichor. Thanks for that :-) The Ojibwe dictionary online translated for me so I could see the bison under the North Star. 04/21 is an oft needed reminder to shift my perspective. Listening to the children pray - wonderful! So glad they're learning their language after their near ancestors were punished cruelly for speaking it. Appreciated the translation. Beautiful! Keep doing good work out there, Chris, and take care along the way. Isn't springtime glorious?

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Gorgeous indeed, considering I've been driving all over the northern part of the state for the last two days under a winter storm warning!

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Ha! Springtime in Montana ;-) We've been watching snow fall on fruit tree blossoms this week; but the sun is shining gloriously this morning.

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'2024_0403: Petrichor and Canada geese on the banks of the Missouri River.'

This is pretty. :).

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It was pretty!

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So many incredible sentences this month, Chris. As in every month, I'm very grateful to you. The one standing out to me most right now: "For how many generations has choosing to be “close-mouthed” merely been a tactic to refrain from roaring?"

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Thank you, Sunday.

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I love seeing how poets experiment with style and form to make such uniquely shaped works... form really does lend quite a bit to the ambiance of the poem!

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Simple, but not east! I’ve tried to take up the practice a few times without much success. I’m glad you share your sentences. I hope you get more nature time soon.

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I've been getting ... if not my fill, at least enough. Thank you. 💚

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Roger that!

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In "One Sentence Journal" style I shall comment in honour of my always-favourite monthly post by listing the entries that "got to me," being, 0412, 0415, 0420, 0428, and 0430, more than I expected yet pleased there were this many.

Thank you, Chris. Always and humbly, thank you.

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I appreciate the weaving between the modern human world and the natural world, as this is all one world after all.

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It absolutely is. Thank you. 💚

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