Every time I read fully through a month of sentences, my heart is full, my spirit alive and more pieces of connection to place and people takes place in my thoughts. Thanks my friend for all you bring to me through your gift of the written word.🙏♥️✍️

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Thank you, Kristin. 💚

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Both of these sentences are from Sept 1:

* If I were a prairie dog, I wouldn't have slept through so much of the glory of this morning's coming of the sun back into the world.

* Today, I walk in gratitude that the earth holds me up, gravity holds me down, and a small bird flies through the sky above, blessing everything with her wingbeats.

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2024_0827: Dawn in the windshield and geese in the sky make for a lovely morning of driving.

Could feel the presence of Chief Little Shell at your Village Books talk. Good to meet you in person and hear you speak the truth that needs to be heard more widely.

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I really enjoyed that Village Books event. It was great to meet you too!

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Here’s my one sentence, for yesterday.

Donning serious respirator mask after a Missoula smoke day of cooped up anxiety each leaf turning color and the lone kayaker launching beneath Bear Tracks Bridge are gifts of deepest grace.

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Responding in the dark of morning after a night of heavy rain, I'm grateful to have been on the road for the worst of what the Missoula air has been burdened with, though I did get a taste of it in Eastern Oregon.

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Slough creek, sandhill cranes—my heart is full.

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This month's Sentences speak to the sudden busyness of life, or so it seems, to me, anyway...and so, my favourites are 2024_0802, 2024_0816, and, 2024_0818. May you one day soon find yourself sitting on your porch with a hot cup of coffee in your hands, taking-in the stillness of early morning, reminiscing of when you were a busy author and Poet Laureate chasing time through chaotic days and nights. Thinking on you often, my friend. So good to read Sentences again.....

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My favorites Chris,




And two of my own;

2024_0814 In celebration of 42 years of sharing life’s uneven cobbled path together always and forever two hearts remain as one ,and the adventure continues.

2024_0829 I hike in silence today noticing birdsong has diminished, cool breeze carried the birds south riding the thermals and red leaves begin to color my trail.

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Beautiful, Lor. I appreciate you sharing!

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I could not attend your Bellingham reading but I did receive an autographed book! read it and must say, you are so strong when writing about what you know and love. good book! not said lightly, having read a multitude of western writing over the decades of interest.

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Thank you, Michael. I appreciate that very much!

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Lovely sentences that capture so much. Though 0808 is the one that had me nodding in agreement, feeling that way about my town too, just some tedium I can't shake

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Your month sounds exhausting, but punctuated with a few moments of wonder...Sandhill cranes, Slough Creek and stolen days at home!

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It was a lot and I loved (most of) it all. 😀

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Break a leg tonight at Powell's -- nice!! Also -- temple of strac - Google tells me this is a stone fortress in Hungary. But it asks me, did I mean starc? So I don't know either answer.

As always, I love these. And enjoy the love and attention! Well earned. (I have seen your face/book cover pop up a few times -- BookRiot, I believe?)

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Powell's was everything I could hope for and more....

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Thank you for coming to visit us in Oregon, Chris — even though the lightning storms have set the place on fire. May it symbolize our warm hearts!

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Oregon was great!

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2024_0820: Anything but anticlimactic, the day delivers abundant uplift through the support of so much kindness.

Golden! So happy to read this!

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I was happy to write it! 😂

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2024_0817: Dozens of butterflies disperse on the trail as I near the fresh pile of horseshit where they were congregated, punctuating a beautiful outing in the Tobacco Roots.

Endless gratitude for finding time to share your latest sentences with us. Hope the travels are safe and that there's rest when you need it, friend. 🙏

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I appreciate that, and thanks for sharing, Jackie, as always.... 🙏🏽

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what magnificence a single sentence can hold... thank you.

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“A brace of sandhill cranes soar like prehistoric relics over Grass Valley.” I can feel it. ❤️

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