2024_1010: Taking a break from the neck-straining watch for aurora activity overhead just in time to see one of my neighborhood's semi-feral rabbits bearing down for their evening bowel movement.
2024_1010: Taking a break from the neck-straining watch for aurora activity overhead just in time to see one of my neighborhood's semi-feral rabbits bearing down for their evening bowel movement.
You inspire me to keep up the practice of looking out for this constant conversation between the mysterious and spectacular parts of our existence, and the more mundane sights and sounds that most vertebrates trudging along on this rock can relate to.
2024_1010: Taking a break from the neck-straining watch for aurora activity overhead just in time to see one of my neighborhood's semi-feral rabbits bearing down for their evening bowel movement.
I love this. You truly have a deeper than typical understanding of what these sentences are about, my dear. 🙌🏽
You inspire me to keep up the practice of looking out for this constant conversation between the mysterious and spectacular parts of our existence, and the more mundane sights and sounds that most vertebrates trudging along on this rock can relate to.