I hope it's not too much to say I read that and had this internal little celebration at the thought of a total reboot of what "we" think of as literature of the West/west/whatever this land west of the 100th meridian is imagined to be. (Also can't thank you enough for prompting me to pick up Jim Loney last year or the year before, whenever that was.)
Beautiful video, Chris. So grateful you shared yourself and your wisdom with those talented young filmmakers and that you share it so generously with all of us! Thank you.
So beautiful the words the video the ideas the poets thank you for your insight and an aside I listened to Ada Limone read her poetry last night and it was because you mentioned her , introduced her to me that I did. Deep bow for that.
Miigwech, Chris. I'm sharing the video with friends near and far. Wow about the all the writers who will beappearing at the James Welch Native Lit Festival! And James Welch's poem.
Very nice video. Working with the Upward Bound program through SKC back in the day, I lead reading classes one summer and the oldest group (hs jr/sr) read 'Winter in the Blood' which led to many good discussions. Then, when working at Sam Weller's bookstore in SLC a few years later, I had the opportunity to introduce James Welch at a reading he did after 'Killing Custer' came out in paperback. Sounds like a wonderful event this summer.
That Native Lit Festival is the best thing I've heard about in a long time. What a breathtaking list of people!
(Looking forward to watching the video, at a later time when I can give it the attention it deserves.)
The lit fest will be spectacular.
I hope it's not too much to say I read that and had this internal little celebration at the thought of a total reboot of what "we" think of as literature of the West/west/whatever this land west of the 100th meridian is imagined to be. (Also can't thank you enough for prompting me to pick up Jim Loney last year or the year before, whenever that was.)
Came here to say that. Congratulations, Chris, and thank you: this is wonderful and encouraging news.
Thank you, Tara.
“I want things to be the way they used to be.” So moving, powerful. 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you, Julia.
Chris, that video is breathtaking -- thank you so much for sharing.
Sarah, thank you. And thanks for watching.
Beautiful little film. Strength to your arm Chris.
Thank you, Martin.
I love your “ Boozhoo! Aaniin” at the start. I’ve been listening to books by William Kent Krueger and they’re filled with Anishinaabe references.
Can’t wait to watch you on film. You always look and sound great to me.
Happy to see a bit of good news, not that I ever, ever, want you to stop crabbing about all the crap that goes on around us.
Beautiful video, Chris. So grateful you shared yourself and your wisdom with those talented young filmmakers and that you share it so generously with all of us! Thank you.
Thank you, Amy.
Congrats on the festival! So happy to see its here in Missoula. I’ll be there! Great line up of writers
Thanks, Nathan!
Stunning video, Chris! The students did an amazing job. I may have to fly out for the Lit Fest!
Thank you, Emily. We’d sure love to see you here!
So beautiful the words the video the ideas the poets thank you for your insight and an aside I listened to Ada Limone read her poetry last night and it was because you mentioned her , introduced her to me that I did. Deep bow for that.
Thank you. Isn't Ada the best?
Miigwech, Chris. I'm sharing the video with friends near and far. Wow about the all the writers who will beappearing at the James Welch Native Lit Festival! And James Welch's poem.
I love the film, and your giant shining heart, Chris. And jealous of everyone who gets to be in Missoula in late July.
Thank you. It's going to be a fantastic event.
The film is very calm, peace-filling. I could view it again and again. (I see nothing but a beautiful Soul when I see you.)
Thank you, Marie. I appreciate that.
This may be my favorite Irritable yet!
I’m so excited for this summer’s lit fest. That list of participating writers. Wow!
Now to watch the documentary.
Thank you for your heart & talents & teaching & humor.
“Rascally elders” tickled me.
Thank you, K2.
Very nice video. Working with the Upward Bound program through SKC back in the day, I lead reading classes one summer and the oldest group (hs jr/sr) read 'Winter in the Blood' which led to many good discussions. Then, when working at Sam Weller's bookstore in SLC a few years later, I had the opportunity to introduce James Welch at a reading he did after 'Killing Custer' came out in paperback. Sounds like a wonderful event this summer.
A lovely woman from Upward Bound chauffeured the students from the Flathead for the weekend. A wonderful organization.
OMGGGGG 😍😍😍😍 the Native lit event sounds incredible. I really really hope I can make it to that.
I hope you can too!
Hi Chris!
Loved the film.
Have added The Death of Jim Loney to my list of books to read.