I need to stop doomscrolling and get back to both work-work and my creative work. Because here's one last nugget off the bird site from Ilya Kaminsky (@ilya_poet)

Feb 27

Me, writing to an older friend in Odessa: how can I help, please let me know I really want help

He writes back: Putins come and go. If you want to help, send us some poems and essays. We are putting together a literary magazine.

And, that is in the middle of war. Imagine.

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This is great. Ilya Kaminsky is great.

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Beautiful and perfect, Chris, as so many of your essays are. It's almost impossible not to despair as once again bombs fall on innocent people for someone else's ambition or worldview -- and of course ordinary Russian people will suffer from sanctions more than the person responsible, and Ukrainians are suffering most of all. And maybe despair is simply the right answer. There isn't a lot of hope to feel in a situation that's a repeat of what has, as you say, happened beyond countless times to countless numbers of people over countless centuries.

Love this line: "I’m looking for comfort, yes; but I’m looking for a compass too, because this human world isn’t getting it done for me anymore. I don’t know that it ever did."

(The Twitter account is dead. Long live the Twitter account.)

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Thank you, Nia. Stupid twitter account, grumble, grumble....

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Thank you for this. I am young, and I can't help but see the world going in cycles; not quite repeating history, but rhyming it (someone very smart said something to this effect a while ago). It is hard to watch and feel that we have learned nothing from ourselves. I wonder some days why I gravitate to spiritual writings and teachings so much more now than ever, and I think you articulated that pull well. To live without a higher purpose -- even if that's not capital g God -- feels like relinquishing the promise of a collective healing. There is so much anger, and sadness, and it feels like we need one massive communal therapy session (or multiple).

And yet the world keeps turning, and will (probably) recover from whatever disgusting horrors we inflict on it (thermobaric bombs?!) even if we're no more than dust by then. But I hope we can stay around a little longer. I hope we're up to the task of repair.

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I hope we are too. Thank you.

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"I hope we're up to the task of repair." I like that.

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Chris, I want to thank you for talking about the America's role in all this. I mean politics aside, it is important for us to look reflectively on where we as a nation always stood in face of majority of international wars. When you said, 'In order to survive I am doing all I can to tend to my soul. To my spirit. To seek out and awaken and sit with the Old Gods and Goddesses. Chase the profound. Is this religion? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Whatever it is it’s older than people. I’m looking for comfort, yes; but I’m looking for a compass too, because this human world isn’t getting it done for me anymore. I don’t know that it ever did.', I resonated on a deeper level with you, specifically because my ancestors have suffered the consequences of foreign invasion under colonialism and brutal displacement from native lands. I long to converse with the olds Gods and Goddesses too. I need to understand whatever spec of meaning is left in such brutality.

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That's part of what makes me so angry about this, the American tendency to ignore our own history when pointing fingers at others. Until we reckon with it, I don't think we will ever be anywhere near what we imagine ourselves to be.

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That sense of relief when someone is responding the same way to something profoundly upsetting. Thank you.

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I think there are many of us, Andie. Thank you.

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In 2012, in one of the Obama/Romney debates, I remember the moment that Mitt Romney stated that America's most dangerous enemy was Russia. I yelled at the TV, "No, Mitt! America's most dangerous enemy is the Republican Party!" We were both right. Putinism and Trumpism are one and the same.

Since Trump was elected, I've been bumping up against, tripping over, and slamming face-first into the word fascism which, according to the dictionary... "exalts nation and often race over the individual," "stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader," and stands for "the forcible suppression of opposition." Missing from the dictionary definition are the roles played by corporations, billionaires, churches and the judicial system. The Republican Party is a fascist party hellbent on establishing a theocratic ethno-nationalist state, better known as Christian White Supremacy. For the record, Ronald Reagan was our first fascist president and Donald Trump was our second. We've got to stop playing patty-cake with Republicans.

Teach Critical Fascist Theory. Teach CFT in the schools. Teach Critical Jackass Theory. One by one, expose the smarmy, bloodthirsty fascists. Banish despair. Embrace Warrior Mode.

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I vote for critical jackass theory.

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As I just wrote to my grandson: Do not despair with the latest war; we cannot control much, if anything. Just know that every small act of kindness--a word, an action, or a conscious inaction--adds to the engine of cosmic being and is not in vain. I love you and think of your strength.

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Thank you so much. ❤️🙏🏽

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Right on. In total agreement.

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Thank you.

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I find myself saying YES each time I read your newsletter. As hard as things are--and that doesn't even tap a crack in the iceberg of what that word represents--your reflections, anger, generosity, and kindness is something that gives me a feeling of peace each time I get to the end--to know that there are other humans humaning out there, despite the intensity of what we're all witnessing and trying to make sense of. Grateful to read your writing.

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Thank you, Freya. I'm grateful for your writing too.

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RIP in peace the twitters. Gone and hopefully very deeply forgotten.

As far as our human family folk who are living and dying across the sea and at home...I can't not think about how one of the most obvious reasons that a mass of folks pretend to care here on this part of the continent is that evangelical dominionism has been invading Ukraine from the US for 25 years. Fucking pricks. If I had two brains cells to rub together (and a couple of hours), I'd put a essay down on it (and that fucker would breath, too).

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It's always something, isn't it?

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Ain't it, though?

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“beautiful people of good hearts” Call me a dreamer but this is where I am putting my money. I just have to. And, I acknowledge all of wrongs that have been done to people over the centuries, in every corner. Humanity has to do better. This is my prayer.

Insightful piece Chris. Thank you.

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You are a beautiful people with a good heart, Melissa.

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Takes one to know one.❤️

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I'm going to miss you on Twitter, Chris. I try to hold out on that last social connection point (for me), desperately attempting to meet and connect with good souls around shared dreams and hopes. Probably not for long.

Far more importantly, I'll find you here, in my inbox, every week. Making life better, sentence by beautifully enriching sentence. Thank you for your words -- they boost me more than you probably know. And I hope to connect with, learn from and breathe with you someday. Until then, please keep bringing us the wisdom. It keeps me going.

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Nick, thank you. And who knows. I too value having at least one social connection, and twitter was that. Maybe this break will be helpful. The last one certainly was.

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I will continue to seek your voice out here, friend.

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Thanks, David.

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I hear you, Chris. I am looking at a Substack myself (I went with Patreon a few years ago, and it's not ideal for writers, but cutting over will be painful). And Twitter is a cesspool. As for those cheering war, it reminds me of the '80s, when my grandmother heard a Sting song on the radio, where he sings, "I hope the Russians love their children, too." Grandma shook her head and said, "Well, that's stupid." Because of course they do. And Sting dehumanized them with that song by even suggesting otherwise.

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Thanks, Thomas. I subscribe to a couple things on Patreon but I rarely remember to even look. I need to do better about that....

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Also, in case of interest, sharing this from Poetry Foundation, poem of the day on the 150th anniversary of Yellowstone’s establishment.


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Lovely, thank you.

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Thank you, Chris. I always appreciate and learn from your perspective, and this post especially. On this Ash Wednesday I just keep thinking...dust to dust...dust to dust.

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Thank you!

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