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To me a man is a guy whose comfortable in his own skin - whatever that skin brings with it - and secure enough to be what he is in most any crowd come what may. He he does is own thinking and doesn't bow to peer pressure. Which is the opposite of course of what those "meathead" clone dudes you are talking about are. Why they are clones. I have long been chagrined at how few people there seem to be marching to their own drummers out there. On the other hand, it isn't easy to be one of those people. Men in general won't "get" you, and if they don't get you, they will probably fear you, and if they fear you, they will perhaps not hate you, but for sure they will dislike you. So it's not an easy path, being yourself. Unless "yourself" is genuinely one of the cookie-cutter boys.

I am an Albertan, by the way. You've never seen a more homogenous bunch of dudes in your life. They pass you in their pickup trucks and they are all exactly the same. Cropped hair, meticulously shaven face or at most one of those little circle beards that is just an apology for wanting to grow a beard, ballhat, sunglasses. Interchangeable. If they are hook and bullet types (like me) they carry plastic guns in .300 winmag or 6.5 creedmore, scoped.

Women are more interesting in my experience. More accepting, less stunted, more open mentally, more curious in general. A lot of men could learn a lot about functioning properly as a human being by having more woman friends. But don't get too down on the meatheads. I've been surprised by them. More of them may be thinking like you do than you realize. They may even be looking for an outlet. You give them one opening and it starts coming out. And they're usually pretty grateful to you for that.

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Thanks for all of this. I've taken to even doing my best to not refer to them as meatheads, heh. It's going moderately well.

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