I woke up in the middle of the night angry at Manchin and others and frustrated at myself that I can't manage to damp those fires even without having social media or reading news on a regular basis. I guess that alone shows the power of anger -- that it can ruin your sleep even if you try not to feed it.

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I'm astounded at the things that haunt me in the middle of the night, the petty outrage and jealousies, not to mention the big picture political garbage. Ugh.

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Yellowstone sounds like my dream writing retreat. I’m going to look into the logistics and see if I can make it work. And yes to social media and anger. I’ve been working really hard lately to not engage. As always, so good to see your words and wisdom in my email!

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Thank you, Julie. It would be great to see you in February!

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Hi Chris,

I love the wintertime as well. The winters here in New Hampshire are becoming milder and milder and it is so very disconcerting and disappointing. There is nothing quite like crunching through the snow on a moonlit night under star illuminated heavens.

As for social media, I find it most difficult to deal with anger. I prefer to nurture my authentic connections with family and friends, to follow JLB, and to acquire new recipes.

I LOVE your books, One Sentence Journal and Descended from a Travel-Worn Satchel are both marvelous. I have read each of them, cover to cover. Thoughtful, insightful, honest, and exquisite.

Thank you for your beautiful work, and keep writing!

Sincerely, Melissa Magaletta

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Melissa, thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. They are much appreciated! I hope you are having a lovely fall out your way....

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Thank you Chris! It is and has been beautiful. This morning my alarm clock was a leaf blower…it could probably use a muffling attachment but I suppose it is all part of the season.

Wishing you beauty in your day,


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Yes. Yes, I listened, and I heard the similes of fury spreading and how we carry it with us. Beautiful, and just what I needed to hear (and read, reading your words, Chris) not only today but for the past two months.

Write on, Chris. Right on…..write on.

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Thank you, Marie.

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The article about winter keeping was just superb.

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I love it. What a life.

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I would very much like to travel to Montana, where a branch of my mother's family still ranches (Big Timber/Sweet Grass) and the log cabin still stands -- on stolen ground. I've already blown my travel budget for next year, however, but 2023, perhaps, if we're all still standing. See you Tuesdays in November.

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Yes! Let's hope for 2023....

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Winter-keeper at Yellowstone is on my wish list!

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Winter-keeper at Yellowstone sounds like such a life-changing experience. Hell of a gig, excited to read about it. And, as always, completely agree re:social media and rage. I’ve been considering how to emotionally separate from it for a bit and whether non all-or-nothing approaches are doable.

Anyway, was very glad to see this in my inbox this AM. I always love how your thoughtful and nuanced your words are. They’re such a welcome start to the day.

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Thank you, Anni. I've pared my social media down to just Twitter. It's helped ... some.

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