Words help. Thank you.

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Thank you for reading.

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Simple and beautiful.

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Uh, no, you ain't alone in your sun-related mood drop, and what you said ain't melodramatic, it's simply the truth. I love the short days of winter, no matter the weather, no matter the light.

And on the subject of love, I have difficulty saying/feeling "I love" when others are downright contentious and glaringly mean. I know I'm supposed to love no matter what, but it's so fucking hard to do. The best I can do is be tolerant. The main feeling I have right now is sorrow and deep compassion for those on the receiving end of violence and brutality.

Oh. And this: that poem. So good.

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This is so beautiful. Your words and the poem both give me heart. I have been feeling deep grief lately. This has given me some persepctive.

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Deep grief, yes.

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What a beautiful poem, Chris.

Yes, I think love is the point. And that heartbreak is the hardest part of it. We all carry a measure of it; it's good to write and speak of this so we know we're not carrying that pain alone.

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Todd Davis is one of my favorite poets.

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Hey man, perfectly expressed. You/me/us/and millions more are ON THE BEAM. All good. Really.

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On the beam indeed.

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poignant poem. As the Navajo say, "Walk in Beauty". You write in beauty.

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Thank you, Sandy.

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It is heartbreaking to know so many of your neighbors choose hate and "my way or the highway" over love and "live and let live." Or their definition of love, freedom, equality, and justice are totally different than yours. It is fucking sad to see so many clamoring to grab the selfish ring rather than share the joy of the merry go round with each other. Two close friends of mine have died in the last four days. Know your heavy heart is the burden of love.

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Dr. Martin Shaw says this in an interview I watched: "Your art is a dignified display of the heartbreak which is the debt of living." Hang in there, friend.

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