The sandhill cranes are chuckling with abandon here, too. Which always makes me think of dinosaurs, not that anyone knows what ancient winged dinos sounded like...but I like to imagine they sounded like the cranes. Also, the place workshop sounds wonderful!
First, those dogs.💜 I have been thinking long on what exists, what we are given, what we give back as well. What it means to be of a place, and what it means, how to honor it, not have it become just another background we become accustomed to and therefore, can ignore. Thanks for sharing that poem--it pierces the heart in such a beautiful way.
Beams of light. This is good food and should be fully engaged with and given time to fully digest and nourish. I mean give it time. Niawen Kowa/Miigwtch Chris. 🌲🕸️🕷️🍄🌵🌿
When regarding the way we are destroying the planet, I live by one word... velocity. None of this damage has to occur at the rate it is occurring. Everything can be slowed down. At 75, I have the luxury of being able to slow down all mechanized movement and daily consumption. During the two years of Covid, I drove less than 500 miles total. I ate only two meals per day and often fasted, once for five days... water, juice, bananas. I'm not trying to be holier-than-thou. I am only pointing out that the velocity of human endeavor, at it's current rate, is unnecessarily maddening and destructive.
So much truth and wisdom here. Thank you for continuing to fulfill your responsibility as a hearer of the old stories, Chris. Linda Hogan "... wanting this world to survive/ never forgotten..." and Kahlil Gibran "Forget not that the earth delights..." Our beloved Mother keeps on giving to us, despite how we've treated her. What gifts the times of transcendence are. Bucky and Cheeto - those expressive eyes!!
Please give Bucky and Cheeto each a hug from me. Little angels both.
Thanks for continuing to capture beauty and to share it with us all.
You brought to mind a song that speaks to me. YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE. In fact, I have stipulated that it be played at the conclusion of my eventual funeral service. I can only hope that the attendees depart with a smile, a bounce in their step, and the thought that giving makes all the difference.
It is damn depressing to see how far backward we've moved on so many day being perhaps the most critical. In some ways, perhaps this indicative of the end we are all marching blithely towards. I don't believe humanity deserves this beautiful planet. We have, and continue to fuck it up beyond healing. I believe the mother needs to shrug humanity off her mantle and start over again. I feel badly for the innocent creatures who will die in the process. Sorry, you have no corner on the market of doom.
I didn't think of it this way, really, but I guess I spent earth day appropriately. I was out planting bitterbrush shrubs in a human-caused fire scar. Hard work. All the while, in the back of my mind I'm considering the overall futility.
Oh, my friend, all of this so much! I started reading "We Are the Middle of Forever" this morning and already in two chapters the idea of sharing the teachings you've been gifted has been broached several times. I need, sorely, to take this of yours to heart: "When the world provides these transcendent experiences, it is a teaching." And it is not for me alone; it is a gift to share. Thank you 🧡🧡🧡
I still have a copy of that book here I planned to send you and haven't yet! I haven't started reading it yet myself but it seems I should begin soon....
It might be one to dip into and out of. Which I'm trying to do as my neighbor's renters go around and around in an ATV and I burn with unkind thoughts that are, uh, not conducive to kinship.
To love the earth
The sandhill cranes are chuckling with abandon here, too. Which always makes me think of dinosaurs, not that anyone knows what ancient winged dinos sounded like...but I like to imagine they sounded like the cranes. Also, the place workshop sounds wonderful!
I always think about them sounding like dinosaurs too. 💜
Totally dinosaurs.
Rainbow Capitalism. Green Capitalism. Pink Capitalism. Still Capitalism... Also, those footnotes.
First, those dogs.💜 I have been thinking long on what exists, what we are given, what we give back as well. What it means to be of a place, and what it means, how to honor it, not have it become just another background we become accustomed to and therefore, can ignore. Thanks for sharing that poem--it pierces the heart in such a beautiful way.
I love Linda Hogan's work.
Beams of light. This is good food and should be fully engaged with and given time to fully digest and nourish. I mean give it time. Niawen Kowa/Miigwtch Chris. 🌲🕸️🕷️🍄🌵🌿
Thanks, Thom.
When regarding the way we are destroying the planet, I live by one word... velocity. None of this damage has to occur at the rate it is occurring. Everything can be slowed down. At 75, I have the luxury of being able to slow down all mechanized movement and daily consumption. During the two years of Covid, I drove less than 500 miles total. I ate only two meals per day and often fasted, once for five days... water, juice, bananas. I'm not trying to be holier-than-thou. I am only pointing out that the velocity of human endeavor, at it's current rate, is unnecessarily maddening and destructive.
The footnotes! 👏
P.S. Bucky & Cheeto 💚🐾🐾💚
So much truth and wisdom here. Thank you for continuing to fulfill your responsibility as a hearer of the old stories, Chris. Linda Hogan "... wanting this world to survive/ never forgotten..." and Kahlil Gibran "Forget not that the earth delights..." Our beloved Mother keeps on giving to us, despite how we've treated her. What gifts the times of transcendence are. Bucky and Cheeto - those expressive eyes!!
Thank you!
Hi Chris,
Please give Bucky and Cheeto each a hug from me. Little angels both.
Thanks for continuing to capture beauty and to share it with us all.
You brought to mind a song that speaks to me. YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE. In fact, I have stipulated that it be played at the conclusion of my eventual funeral service. I can only hope that the attendees depart with a smile, a bounce in their step, and the thought that giving makes all the difference.
Thank you, Melissa!
It is damn depressing to see how far backward we've moved on so many day being perhaps the most critical. In some ways, perhaps this indicative of the end we are all marching blithely towards. I don't believe humanity deserves this beautiful planet. We have, and continue to fuck it up beyond healing. I believe the mother needs to shrug humanity off her mantle and start over again. I feel badly for the innocent creatures who will die in the process. Sorry, you have no corner on the market of doom.
I didn't think of it this way, really, but I guess I spent earth day appropriately. I was out planting bitterbrush shrubs in a human-caused fire scar. Hard work. All the while, in the back of my mind I'm considering the overall futility.
I can relate, Linda....
Oh, my friend, all of this so much! I started reading "We Are the Middle of Forever" this morning and already in two chapters the idea of sharing the teachings you've been gifted has been broached several times. I need, sorely, to take this of yours to heart: "When the world provides these transcendent experiences, it is a teaching." And it is not for me alone; it is a gift to share. Thank you 🧡🧡🧡
I still have a copy of that book here I planned to send you and haven't yet! I haven't started reading it yet myself but it seems I should begin soon....
It might be one to dip into and out of. Which I'm trying to do as my neighbor's renters go around and around in an ATV and I burn with unkind thoughts that are, uh, not conducive to kinship.