Something I consistently say is that the scariest people on earth are white men. No one scares me more. Their greed, their insecurity, their power. It's terrifying. Jeff Bezos is a great example, and he is just one kind of example. I can't stand him. I boycott Amazon, and I'm beyond dismayed by how many people continue to feed his domina…
Something I consistently say is that the scariest people on earth are white men. No one scares me more. Their greed, their insecurity, their power. It's terrifying. Jeff Bezos is a great example, and he is just one kind of example. I can't stand him. I boycott Amazon, and I'm beyond dismayed by how many people continue to feed his dominance and bank account by relying on the convenience that Amazon offers. A company that pays zero taxes while its heavy trucks clog up and wear down our roadways. The same roadways that us little folk have to pay to upkeep. How are people so blind to this? Convenience. That is actually something else I consistently say: greed and convenience have ruined our society. We are creating a society that demands things now. Well... let me be more clear... we demand material objects now. But do we demand social justice? Equality? Fair wages? Climate protection? Fuck no. White men. Convenience. Greed. What a fucking shit show.
Something I consistently say is that the scariest people on earth are white men. No one scares me more. Their greed, their insecurity, their power. It's terrifying. Jeff Bezos is a great example, and he is just one kind of example. I can't stand him. I boycott Amazon, and I'm beyond dismayed by how many people continue to feed his dominance and bank account by relying on the convenience that Amazon offers. A company that pays zero taxes while its heavy trucks clog up and wear down our roadways. The same roadways that us little folk have to pay to upkeep. How are people so blind to this? Convenience. That is actually something else I consistently say: greed and convenience have ruined our society. We are creating a society that demands things now. Well... let me be more clear... we demand material objects now. But do we demand social justice? Equality? Fair wages? Climate protection? Fuck no. White men. Convenience. Greed. What a fucking shit show.
Excellent writing, my friend.
Convenience is a curse. And I agree with every word you say here, Angie. It is a shit show.