Absolutely, Rebekah. And another question a friend brought up that I didn't, beyond the usual narrative of "why didn't she leave" is the narrative of "why wasn't he already in jail?"
I think our problem is we try too hard to play fair. And they don't give a fuck how they achieve their ends.
Absolutely, Rebekah. And another question a friend brought up that I didn't, beyond the usual narrative of "why didn't she leave" is the narrative of "why wasn't he already in jail?"
I think our problem is we try too hard to play fair. And they don't give a fuck how they achieve their ends.
Absolutely, Rebekah. And another question a friend brought up that I didn't, beyond the usual narrative of "why didn't she leave" is the narrative of "why wasn't he already in jail?"
I think our problem is we try too hard to play fair. And they don't give a fuck how they achieve their ends.