We had a training at work on How To Melt ICE by an immigration lawyer (we are a target). She showed us the ICE "warrants" which are NOT legal. Do not accept them unless they're from the U.S. District Court and signed by a judge. Don't let them in, don't talk to them. Period. My personal dealings with them proved them to just be bullies who want to intimidate. They have no standing for what they're doing. And yes, carry proof of citizenship or Tribal ID card at all times. Sorry if this is redundant info. I could rage on and on but will stop at this. The info's important, the rage is too, but is for another place. Thank you for your heart and all you do.

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This is great info and the kind of thing I hope for from smart people like you. ICE are just cops, which means they are largely strongman wannabe punks. It takes a tiny, frightened, cowardly mind to enforce the kinds of garbage ICE is engaging in now. It's been a long time since I expressed my disdain for cops so I'm probably overdue restating my position. Still, NDN Collective's Nick Tilsen handles it best:


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Hell yeah he does! haha love that. Thanks for sharing it.

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That was amazing. What a flex.

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I'm keeping my passport handy. I was asked my immigration status by a stranger last week. Been here 14 years, naturalized for 9 of them, and this is the first time this has happened. I’m having a hard time convincing myself that it’s just a coincidence.

I’m not trying to draw an equivalence. Nobody gives me a second glance unless I open my mouth, and even then it’s usually to ask which soccer team I follow. In fact it was almost farcical. “No offence, but you don’t sound like you’re from these parts.” Felt like I’d stumbled onto the set of Blazing Saddles. But even though I can laugh it off, the emboldened xenophobia in unmistakable.

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"Is it true that you people are, uh, gifted?"

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I'm sure you've seen this, but many won't have. "Fort Missoula soldiers during Cree Removal", taken by William Hoblitzel in 1896. No questions about the provenance of this one.


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I have read already that they are at least rounding up some of the ingenious people, especially in the southern states.

My question is is the “people” who are rounding up, seems like any one with darker skin than them, would they know what a Tribal ID is and

looks like?

If I recall you had a Substack article about when you used your tribal ID, that some of the TSA personnel did not know what it was

I am so angry about what is happening.

I re

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Heck I am an old white guy and I carry a passport card because of some of the interactions I have had with border patrol.

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Outraged by this and shedding tears for all People of color. Actually for all of us who have to live under his despicable tyranny.

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Thank you. The picture is a good reminder this is a long standing policy of choosing who gets dehumanized and treated terribly. Yes, the current orange tyrant is taking things backward. And we weren't doing the best before that anyway. Much work is needed and I love hearing your words to learn and grow in myself so I can have these conversations. These very deliberate and open acts of hatred are symptoms of bigger history know and felt by many. Thanks, Chris!

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"... continue to challenge your assumptions because we are going to need that when we get around to rebuilding in the aftermath of all this." Amen to that!

Trump put the portrait of Andrew Jackson back in the Oval Office. He's channeling the guy. Chris, you could channel Gabriel Dumont!

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I mean, the guy was one of the greatest sharpshooters ever, so....

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So excited for your workshop in Roscoe and for your reading tonight! See you at both!

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Great to see you!

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Thanks for all, Chris. Will let my brother, Steve, know about the Billings talk tonight.

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Thanks, Phil. Make sure he knows about the light snacks!

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Epigenetic trauma is real and has not been dealt with effectively. This is so terrible.

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Seattle Now (my favorite local pod) had a helpful interview with the deputy director of NW immigrants right project – it starts at 2:45 in https://www.kuow.org/stories/wa-is-a-sanctuary-state-what-does-that-mean-for-de

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I appreciate this!

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beyond thrilled to see a Blues Brothers link here!

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I'm glad someone noticed!

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Thanks, Chris.

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A friend of mine texted last week about the weird existential feeling knowing her tribal status could get her deported. We were very firm about sharing how "But it won't really happen." and honestly, it felt more like we were trying to convince each other than that we think it isn't truly possible...because, I mean, history echoes and those who don't want anyone to learn history are trying to repeat it.

Like, I really want to be wrong. Especially when folks are saying it's going to be a rough four years as if there isn't the real possibility the Republicans will do away with term limits because that's what people who want a dictator do. May it only be four years. May I be wrong. I WANT people to gloat at me for being wrong.

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Thank you for the ongoing support we all receive here. I feel displaced yet I am safe - as a white woman I am not personally at risk yet I feel inside so much fear. When any one of us is targeted, violated, torn from land and home and identity, I believe we are all violated and cannot be whole. I don't know what I am saying here. It is somewhere in the cells of my body that I have this need to know what the land and people can remember as it will have all that we need to know. I am a teacher in the public schools. There are no Indigenous authors on the syllabus. I am repeatedly asked who or what I am reading and I now repeatedly answer with the title of your book. The borders start with what we can imagine, what and who we think we belong to, have a right to. I will no longer allow the word "difference" in the classroom. Different from whom? Who is at the center from which this perspective takes root? I have posted before that I wonder if I have a right to be here in this space. I thank you for welcoming me in.

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Solidarity, friends.

Which is not something nice middle-class white girls usually grow up with. I'm something beyond grateful for the folks in my life whose examples are teaching me how to rise to reality—and reach further than I'm comfortable reaching for kindness and for courage. Yeah, Chris, I'm looking at you. Thank you. <3

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