"I'm no fan of perfection."

Some things you simply need to see written down. Yes, I read this just in time to save myself from a day fraught with the search for perfection in its many forms. Instead, the little dog will get a ramble and then I'll see about the rest of it.

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It's a meme recently that said " just remember ...every body recovered from Mount Everest was once a highly motivated individual!"

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“but Bless their hearts”….thanks again; always feels good to read your words, and I gaze away feeling renewed and even hopeful in the midst of the unbelievable.

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Agreed about that statement, felt somehow so heartening to lead into that kindness. There will be a reckoning someday.

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Yes, "bless their [tiny, angry, beguiled] hearts"… "Redemption" is the perfect word for what's needed — you nailed it, Chris, as usual!

And yes, Jennifer, I'm left feeling "hopeful in the midst of the unbelievable too." Miigwech, dear friends.

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Best sentence I've read in a while! "It makes me sad for the fragile identities of all the dudes where I live who have to flex allegiance to such an insignificant and petty and buffoonish and downright evil example of masculinity for all the world to see, but bless their hearts."

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"things take as long as they take, for better or worse. The best thing I can do toward getting anything at all meaningful accomplished is taking more time than I think is necessary to just sit and do what looks like nothing." This really hit home for me. If only there were some other way, but there isn't. Not for me. Thanks for the confirmation...

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I loved reading a little "week-in-the-life" post from you. Rock on!

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"Generally my living as a creative person is like one of those puzzles where you slide pieces around with one open spot to work with. Some gigs pay me enough to allow me to do things that hardly pay, or don’t pay at all" .... it's hard to get a more accurate description of an artist/writer/creative than that one!

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LOVED this edition! It’s been so fun reading about your adventures on your book tour and your experiments as the poet laureate for Montana. Related hard to, “Generally my living as a creative person is like one of those puzzles where you slide pieces around with one open spot to work with. Some gigs pay me enough to allow me to do things that hardly pay, or don’t pay at all.”

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Delightful read this morning. Slice of life in Burbank! Some friends of friends have a record store up there I’ve been meaning to get to. Not a glam part of LA, but those are my favorites anyway. Thanks for saying the bit about sliding the puzzle pieces around as a creative person to make it work. I always need the reminder it’s not just me.

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Stoked to give the audiobook a listen while I work on art.

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Thanks, Chris. I enjoyed your trip to Burbank.

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Seconding everyone about the wise, quotable nuggets in your latest piece here. But also, I'm so glad you write here when you can. There is so much in my inbox, and so much for us all to deal with, that I don't feel any expectations about frequency from you or anyone else on here (even though a lot of writers have set a churn-level bar for themselves).

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So great. Thanks for writing about this! Inspired to be a temporary regular next time I travel.

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It was very interesting! I loved getting to know Burbank and what it’s like to record an audio book and I even learned about rucking. I’m intrigued.

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No! All it takes to become an immortalized gnome in Burbank is a heavy rucksack, a look of determination, and a week of fantastic tacos & diner food?!? Chris, what the hell am I doing in DC?

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This was all such a joy to read: genuine, REAL, informative, entertaining, honest, and just plain GREAT! The inclusion of the photos was icing on this cake! Thank you, Chris! I sure look forward to setting my hubs and me up to listen to your Audio! Congrats on all the stuff you are doing!

Particularly felt all of this...

"the entire time I was there I didn’t see a single example of Trump-related bullshit. No hats or stickers or flags or any of that garbage that you can’t toss a rock without hitting in the dominant cultural dumpster fire Montana has become. It makes me sad for the fragile identities of all the dudes where I live who have to flex allegiance to such an insignificant and petty and buffoonish and downright evil example of masculinity for all the world to see, but bless their hearts. Somewhere down the line they are going to need some redemption and I hope they are able to find it."

...with the majority of my family in Montana and falling under this description. There is a constant state of disappointment and grief when it's family; it is heart crushing. Still, I hold out for Hope that this 'stupor' will cease....but, alas, may be they have been 'under' too long.

SO glad you got a reprieve from all the hysterical nonsense! Every time away from it has to feel a bit like utopia! Sending you all the best.



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Miigwech, Wendy, for the support and all the kind words. 💚

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Loved this insight! I preordered and can’t wait to hear the result of these efforts

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