I didn't know about that Jim Harrison poem! What a beauty! Those last lines:
the fluttering unknown gods that I nearly see
from the left corner of my blind eye, struggling
to stay alive in a world that grinds them underfoot.
I feel like all the poets I read may be too obvious, when Wendy Cope is your wild card, you may not be venturing far.
My grad school roommate and friend, Suzette Bishop, has published poems I really like. Utah State University Press published She Took Off Her Wings and Shoes. She also published Horse Minded and Hive-Mind, the latter by Stockport Flats, which seem to be unavailable.
Thank you so much for this. And for your work. I appreciate the vertically-integrated comment!
I didn't know about that Jim Harrison poem! What a beauty! Those last lines:
the fluttering unknown gods that I nearly see
from the left corner of my blind eye, struggling
to stay alive in a world that grinds them underfoot.
I feel like all the poets I read may be too obvious, when Wendy Cope is your wild card, you may not be venturing far.
My grad school roommate and friend, Suzette Bishop, has published poems I really like. Utah State University Press published She Took Off Her Wings and Shoes. She also published Horse Minded and Hive-Mind, the latter by Stockport Flats, which seem to be unavailable.
Thank you so much for this. And for your work. I appreciate the vertically-integrated comment!