Boozhoo, indinawemaaganidog! Aaniin! That is to say hello, all of my relatives! Welcome to another edition of An Irritable Métis. This is an unusual one; the bloviations you usually expect from this newsletter will return tomorrow … or maybe the next day. Possibly not for several days, now that I think of it. We’ll find out together! But this edition is a Special Time Sensitive Edition exclusively for Missoula Area Readers … and I honestly don’t know how many Missoula area people even read it! But as I now and forever have no social media accounts this seems to be the best trail to take to get the word out. I trust those thousands of you who aren’t citizens of the greater Missoula community will take it in stride. I’ve added a couple links at the bottom that might make it worth your time anyway.

As you may know, the 2023 edition of the Montana Book Festival is upon us. It’s always quite an event and this year is no exception. You may find all the details and schedule HERE. I think pretty much all of it is happening at the Missoula Public Library, with a couple exceptions. Just check the schedule to be sure.
I didn’t have any plans to participate at all this year because I am between books and the schedule of events was locked-in before the big poet laureate announcement. In the last couple weeks though I’ve been invited for a couple things, and that is why I am unloading this Irritable Special Edition for all you Missoula area folks … because I would love to see you at one or both of them!
Thursday, September 7, 2:00pm
I think there might be others participating but I don’t know for sure. Regardless, Mark1 and Mara2 are two of my favorite people in this entire valley and even if it’s just the three of us it will be a great event. I’m certain they are both better poets than me and that isn’t me being modest. Signed proof may be acquired HERE and HERE. I love these people and it will be an honor to share an event with them again.
This 2:00pm event3 is a celebration and discussion of Awake in the World Vol.3, which you may order HERE. I have a poem in it, Mark does, Mara does, as do some of my favorite other poets both local and far abroad. I’m even willing to bet that if you order it online from F&F, you could get a copy signed by at least the three of us, and maybe others. GIVE IT A SHOT!
Saturday, September 9, 4:30pm
CutBank is the literary magazine of the UM Creative Writing Department. They’ve been publishing for 50 years and the celebration of that milestone is what this event is all about. I’ve been interviewed by them a couple times and published online, and have a poem in the upcoming issue that may (or may not) be available for sale at this event. Doesn’t matter – it’s a true honor and privilege to have been invited to this monumental occasion. I’ll get to rub elbows with some of my best friends and colleagues and that is good enough for me. It will be a good one!
Some Assorted Links That May Be Of Interest
A Subversive Act
I love the Missoula Public Library. When it was finally opened to the public in July of 2021, after Covid delayed that gigantic moment a couple years, it was my enormously good fortune to read at that event. I wrote about it in this newsletter via a piece called “A Subversive Act” that includes the text of what I read. You may check that out HERE.
Going Gently
A month ago my friend Satya interviewed me briefly for her newsletter and I don’t think I ever shared it. I’m doing so now, HERE! Check it out, and give her a follow if you are so inclined. Satya writes beautifully.
Streaming on KLTZ
I was interviewed the other morning on KLTZ Glasgow, which is waaaay out in Eastern Montana. It was a fun chat, though I kind of stumbled out of the gate as I really had no idea how things were playing out. You may listen HERE; the jibber jabber of relevance begins around the 5:00 mark or so.
Resounds on YPR
Speaking of radio, did I share this? It’s a wonderful conversation I had with my friends Anna Paige and Corby Skinner on their Resounds program on Yellowstone Public Radio, the Friday before the MTPL thing was announced. If you aren’t already weary of me going on about myself4, you may check it out HERE!
That’s all for today, my friends. Miigwech for your support and interest, and I hope to see some of you this week at the Montana Book Festival!
Poet Laureate just before me, you know….
Artist, Poet, Empress, and the magnificent owner of Fact & Fiction Books.
You’ll note the discrepancy in time between the posted schedule and my description. It’s because Missoulians are notoriously late and I just want you lollygaggers to be on time for a freakin’ change.
I certainly am!
Thank you for promoting the Montana Book Festival and CutBank, Chris! Can't wait to see you there and be part of such an awesome event!
Sounds like a great book festival. I may have to make it next year... trying to figure out how to avoid both snow and 100 degree heat when visiting Missoula!!