I was in the middle of making a comment and got disrupted. So, if a fragment of a thought turns up, you’ll understand.
I was saying that I have know that disconcerting feeling upon learning that a person whom you like and respect holds totally opposite views regarding issues that you consider vitally important. I used universal healthcare as an example. I consider truly affordable, accessible healthcare a right. People who consider this a radical concept, are in my opinion, greedy or ignorant. It makes me particularly sad when a person I consider a friend expresses an opinion relative to this subject that is in opposition to my own.
You are totally correct however. We must be compassionate toward all in as much as we can. I don’t believe that you can change minds with posts on social media. Being kind and compassionate and acknowledging others is powerful and influential. And writing beautifully about important issues exudes a special power all its own.
I think for me this year, the word is going to be "softness" -- when I feel myself getting that hard angry stone in my heart, which is a lot of the time ... what can I change to soften it? Some of it's compassion, but for me I think it's connected to my own ego, and dialing that back ... work in progress here on day 2.
Thank you, Chris. For actively making the new year a little happier. I'll try to as well. I've let the past 5 years make me bitter and enraged. I'll join you in working on being more compassionate.
Thanks Chris. I try as best I can when I'm struck by the crabby stick to remember Vonnegut - "There's only one rule that I know of, babies-'God damn it, you've got to be kind.'"
You put your finger on the problem, Chris. We are a deeply disconnected society, yearning for connection with other humans. Maybe compassion is the change that can be the difference between no chance and slim chance. It's hard not to pick up stones when I see those bumper stickers and yard signs. I'll try to pause, remember my own dark impulses, and reach for a bit of compassion instead. Even if the change is only in my attitude.
It is so hard to be human, doubly so to be a compassionate one. I am grateful for you and all who make a go of it. Happy New Year, friend. A winter walk or cup of coffee together would be welcome!
Happy new year, my friend. I have chosen the word, or had it choose me. I have an Internet friend in upstate New York; she does tarot readings from afar. I asked her to pull a card for me on Jan. 1 and the card she pulled was “freedom“. She said she felt like she should draw a second card and that card said “ reflection“. She said she thought it was as much freedom from as freedom to… That really resonated with me. I feel like I’m ready to be freed from a number of things that have helped me back. So freedom (with reflection) is my word.
Also, I sent her some money for her efforts. Pay people who do things for you, even if you’ve never met them in person.
Happy New Year, Julia. I love that you went to the tarot for this. I think tarot is a wonderful tool for reflection. And thank you for paying her for her efforts!
Susan, that's a great quote. Thank you.
I am on this journey with you 💞 Compassion is what I keep landing on, too. Without it, what’s the point of anything?
What indeed. And I can't think of anyone better to have along for the ride.
Hi Chris,
I was in the middle of making a comment and got disrupted. So, if a fragment of a thought turns up, you’ll understand.
I was saying that I have know that disconcerting feeling upon learning that a person whom you like and respect holds totally opposite views regarding issues that you consider vitally important. I used universal healthcare as an example. I consider truly affordable, accessible healthcare a right. People who consider this a radical concept, are in my opinion, greedy or ignorant. It makes me particularly sad when a person I consider a friend expresses an opinion relative to this subject that is in opposition to my own.
You are totally correct however. We must be compassionate toward all in as much as we can. I don’t believe that you can change minds with posts on social media. Being kind and compassionate and acknowledging others is powerful and influential. And writing beautifully about important issues exudes a special power all its own.
Healthcare is a tough one, and I'm with you on it. Thank you, Melissa.
I think for me this year, the word is going to be "softness" -- when I feel myself getting that hard angry stone in my heart, which is a lot of the time ... what can I change to soften it? Some of it's compassion, but for me I think it's connected to my own ego, and dialing that back ... work in progress here on day 2.
I considered similarly, yes. I want to rein in a tendency to lash out, even if it's just in my own head.
Thank you, Chris. For actively making the new year a little happier. I'll try to as well. I've let the past 5 years make me bitter and enraged. I'll join you in working on being more compassionate.
Thanks, Thomas. I think you are well on your way anyway.
Thanks Chris. I try as best I can when I'm struck by the crabby stick to remember Vonnegut - "There's only one rule that I know of, babies-'God damn it, you've got to be kind.'"
The crabby stick. I love that.
You put your finger on the problem, Chris. We are a deeply disconnected society, yearning for connection with other humans. Maybe compassion is the change that can be the difference between no chance and slim chance. It's hard not to pick up stones when I see those bumper stickers and yard signs. I'll try to pause, remember my own dark impulses, and reach for a bit of compassion instead. Even if the change is only in my attitude.
Thank you, Joni.
It is so hard to be human, doubly so to be a compassionate one. I am grateful for you and all who make a go of it. Happy New Year, friend. A winter walk or cup of coffee together would be welcome!
Let's make it happen.
Thank you, for the nth time, for your words and wisdom. Happy New Year, my friend who I have never met.
Happy New Year to you too.
Happy new year, my friend. I have chosen the word, or had it choose me. I have an Internet friend in upstate New York; she does tarot readings from afar. I asked her to pull a card for me on Jan. 1 and the card she pulled was “freedom“. She said she felt like she should draw a second card and that card said “ reflection“. She said she thought it was as much freedom from as freedom to… That really resonated with me. I feel like I’m ready to be freed from a number of things that have helped me back. So freedom (with reflection) is my word.
Also, I sent her some money for her efforts. Pay people who do things for you, even if you’ve never met them in person.
Happy New Year, Julia. I love that you went to the tarot for this. I think tarot is a wonderful tool for reflection. And thank you for paying her for her efforts!
Happy New Year and thank you for words I needed to hear. A great prompt for changing my attitude.
Thank you, Heather.
I heard that "Let's Go Brandon" means...My wife is my favorite cousin.
Haven't heard that one....