Happy Birthday, Sidney Robert La Tray.

“You be goddam careful” for sure, but more of us have each others’ backs now. Right now.

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We HAVE to have each other's backs now. Each other is all we have.

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I’m looking at a barrage of ART flying at em. They got NOTHING.

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My father always said "Be careful!" when we kids left the house. When I started driving, "and check the goddamn back seat before you get in" was added. Both were said with a kind of bossy/threatening tone, like if something bad happened to me it would be my own goddamn fault. I have also said many a "be careful" or "drive carefully" to my son and husband. I hope I've improved on the tone.

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My dad used the same bossy tone!

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My heart is in my throat. Your people are beautiful. Thank you for reaching toward them and telling us what you’re finding. Xoxo

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“ Thank you for reaching toward them and telling us what you’re finding.” I love this description of what Chris is doing in BLS.

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Also: what an INCREDIBLE thing to yell out in parting. 💓 I love it so much.

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Beautiful tribute. Thanks for the laugh - his advice when pulled over is priceless.

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"Be Careful!" an admonition for so many today. Remembering the stories of your father as I am reading BLS for a second round. There will be more rounds, so much juice in the words. Looking forward to the audio recording with hopes that it is out before the Holidays as it will be just the perfect gift for several folks. Thank you for your notes, your one line stories, for BLS, and especially for the voice you share with the world.

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Good advice from your dad. It is an honor to have read his story, and yours.

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Love the photo of him with the car especially, it could be a novella - happy birthday to your dad.

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Thank you for trusting us with a glimpse of your father and family.

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So wonderful to see your kinfolk that hold place in Becoming Little Shell. 🩵

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Lovely tribute to your dad. And having read the book, it is particularly interesting to see these wonderful family photos. Bulbous head...🙃

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The questions we wish we had known to ask are endless when they're gone and we're grown. I hope your memories bring you some comfort on this day.

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Happy Birthday to Papa La Tray.

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Thank you for sharing; family memory and faded photographs, what wonderful things.

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Great story, great guy ~ thanks for telling this.

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These are beautiful photos and a lovely tribute to your dad. Thank you for sharing with us all, Chris.

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Thanks for this, Chris, and I want to especially thank you for BLS. Cheers, my friend, we will persevere, as they say!

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