“ . . . a large wedge of noisy Canada geese overhead reminds me that the better parts of the world continue . . . “ Thank you for that line; it touched so many memories. I hear geese often where I live, skimming along the river, winging through the night under the Moon, calling, calling. I still have to stop immediately and look up — run…
“ . . . a large wedge of noisy Canada geese overhead reminds me that the better parts of the world continue . . . “ Thank you for that line; it touched so many memories. I hear geese often where I live, skimming along the river, winging through the night under the Moon, calling, calling. I still have to stop immediately and look up — run out of the house — pull over to the side of the road — whisper my gratitude.
I like the one about the geese too. They are like glorious angels stitching the world together with their flights — and then they land in the parks and completely cover the grass with poop. Their angelic message?
“ . . . a large wedge of noisy Canada geese overhead reminds me that the better parts of the world continue . . . “ Thank you for that line; it touched so many memories. I hear geese often where I live, skimming along the river, winging through the night under the Moon, calling, calling. I still have to stop immediately and look up — run out of the house — pull over to the side of the road — whisper my gratitude.
Canada geese are underrated in their magnificence.
I like the one about the geese too. They are like glorious angels stitching the world together with their flights — and then they land in the parks and completely cover the grass with poop. Their angelic message?
"Look up, but watch your step."
Maybe it's a Zen koan?