1. Back to camp to get another shovel, almost alone for a couple miles deep in the Bob Marshall, a friendly bluebird visiting for a time, fireweed flowering taller than me, chokecherries to pick, soaked through from the rain, hands numb, never happier.
2. To the part-frozen river in the pre-dawn, thermos and towel in hand, ant…
1. Back to camp to get another shovel, almost alone for a couple miles deep in the Bob Marshall, a friendly bluebird visiting for a time, fireweed flowering taller than me, chokecherries to pick, soaked through from the rain, hands numb, never happier.
2. To the part-frozen river in the pre-dawn, thermos and towel in hand, anticipating silent sunrise, a shivering self, and the first hot sip of coffee with ripples for company as sun clears the peaks.
3. Barefoot in the drizzle, soaked through by wet snowberry leaves and the scent of early chamomile.
4. Along the reclamation paths of Butte, eyeing an approaching thunderstorm and following bluebirds and trying not to think of the 10,000 miles of mining tunnels underfoot.
5. Hike into Glacier Slough, low firs and spruces sprouting unexpected mushrooms stored by squirrels, greeting a wild creek at the end bordered by masses of bear tracks among scattered white feathers.
Top 5 walks:
1. Back to camp to get another shovel, almost alone for a couple miles deep in the Bob Marshall, a friendly bluebird visiting for a time, fireweed flowering taller than me, chokecherries to pick, soaked through from the rain, hands numb, never happier.
2. To the part-frozen river in the pre-dawn, thermos and towel in hand, anticipating silent sunrise, a shivering self, and the first hot sip of coffee with ripples for company as sun clears the peaks.
3. Barefoot in the drizzle, soaked through by wet snowberry leaves and the scent of early chamomile.
4. Along the reclamation paths of Butte, eyeing an approaching thunderstorm and following bluebirds and trying not to think of the 10,000 miles of mining tunnels underfoot.
5. Hike into Glacier Slough, low firs and spruces sprouting unexpected mushrooms stored by squirrels, greeting a wild creek at the end bordered by masses of bear tracks among scattered white feathers.