The smell of creosote will always take me home. I’m originally from AZ and that smell brings a sense of renewal with it. Thank you for the reminder. I love these moments of yours. Beavers are magical!
I agree about the creosote, and the desert in general. Much as I love the north and the cold (I'm really loving this cold snap in Montana, and even as it departs I'm looking forward to the alleged blizzard on our immediate horizon!) but I could really see myself all sweaty and weathered by the sun in a shack out in the desert too. 😂
I spent 30 years in the desert, and it holds a part of me and always will. That said, I’m loving the cold snap in MT. Missoula’s won me over. I never knew I was a mountain girl, but here I am. Finally. Still enjoying the crunch of snow under my boots, and even the tiny blades in the subzero air. I hope we get that storm!
Wrote these a while ago & forgot to post! Thanks for the prompt. :)
Top 5 outdoors moments of 2023 --
-- Woke up pre-dawn to drop my bf off at work. Swung by a wetland on the way home and saw a beaver, beavering away. Magic!
-- Got caught in a downpour while kayaking with a friend and was "rescued" by an affable teen. "I never get to take the powerboat out," he said.
-- Smelling the desert rain-scented creosote bushes to start & end the year.
-- Watching eagles & eating crab fries with @thomaspluck.
-- The morning light staining the Montana cliffs pink -- and knowing I had canoed there, of all things.
The smell of creosote will always take me home. I’m originally from AZ and that smell brings a sense of renewal with it. Thank you for the reminder. I love these moments of yours. Beavers are magical!
I agree about the creosote, and the desert in general. Much as I love the north and the cold (I'm really loving this cold snap in Montana, and even as it departs I'm looking forward to the alleged blizzard on our immediate horizon!) but I could really see myself all sweaty and weathered by the sun in a shack out in the desert too. 😂
I spent 30 years in the desert, and it holds a part of me and always will. That said, I’m loving the cold snap in MT. Missoula’s won me over. I never knew I was a mountain girl, but here I am. Finally. Still enjoying the crunch of snow under my boots, and even the tiny blades in the subzero air. I hope we get that storm!