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Mmm, what a rich month you've had, based on the density of these sentences. Many of these resonate (including the plane - blech - and Yellowstone - so glad more people are finally getting it).

Some from my log, as thanks for sharing yours:

5.3 - I love when I switch my meetings to be virtual, only for the internet to switch itself off at its leisure.

5.5 - When the old conflict shows itself with a new look, I know I'll never run out of work to do.

5.6 - Amazing how a ritual that was once second nature now feels terrifyingly unfamiliar.

5.8 - Sometimes it's a relief to go through the day relatively unexcited about much at all.

5.10 - When the wind blows just right, a dozen ghost ships sail across the horizon, and I get caught up in squinting to see what those lives would be like.

5.13 - I have simply planned too much to plan any more today.

5.16 - It's normal to notice the ghost ships in the distance; and it's also OK to let them sink.

5.17 - With the wing-flourish of the sun-fire bird, all is worth the patience.

5.19 - I guess somehow I ordered a smoothie of emotions for today's sustenance.

5.22 - When the analog world calls with love, put down the digital world and listen.

5.23 - It feels good to hear an expert say, "your hunch is probably correct."

5.24 - All the things come together on one day to culminate in a much-needed cry and a well-deserved dance party.

5.25 - Somehow my body knows how good it is to dig around in dirt.

5.28 - Though excessive in most times, a night with 10 hours of sleep feels like a miracle cure.

5.29 - I am, as ever, grateful to sing en masse, even if it's made up on the spot.

5.31 - Changes can be worthwhile and simultaneously terrifying.

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These are beautiful, Lucy. Ghost ships! I love that you shared them here. 💚

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Credit to Cheryl Strayed/Dear Sugar for that analogy. I'm a little young for when the iconic column came out, but it seems to hold up to the test of time, and for that I am grateful.

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Now I don’t even know what you’re talking about. 😂

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Ack, my bad! Here's the original "ghost ships" column: https://therumpus.net/2011/04/21/dear-sugar-the-rumpus-advice-column-71-the-ghost-ship-that-didnt-carry-us/

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