I remember and appreciated every poet who came to my high school writing program! I still read a lot of their works today. You may be the spark for some of those students, even if you don't know it.
I remember and appreciated every poet who came to my high school writing program! I still read a lot of their works today. You may be the spark for some of those students, even if you don't know it.
My predecessor as Montana Poet Laureate, my friend Mark Gibbons, talks about James Welch coming to his school as being his impetus for becoming a poet. It is one of my favorite stories.
I remember and appreciated every poet who came to my high school writing program! I still read a lot of their works today. You may be the spark for some of those students, even if you don't know it.
My predecessor as Montana Poet Laureate, my friend Mark Gibbons, talks about James Welch coming to his school as being his impetus for becoming a poet. It is one of my favorite stories.
Agreed! You never know what seeds you're planting, which may not sprout until years down the road.
Yes. Especially since there is no room in HS to be your own individual self with your unique interests!